General Manager CAC
It is indeed a privilege to head Corporate Advisory Council (CAC) department of Pakistan’s most vibrant institution, which shines as a beacon of excellence at both national and international levels. As CAC, we have managed to establish contacts with number of industrial partners who are facilitating NUST in extending their support to enhance university-industry linkages. We have launched different activities / programs for connecting our students and faculty with the industries for each other’s benefit. The activities / programs include: Faculty Placement Program, FICS (Finding Innovative & Creative Solutions – An intra-university project competition), Consultancies & Turnkey Projects for Faculty, Participation in Exhibitions, Students Industrial Visits, Industrial Talks / Guest Lectures, and Final Year Projects for Students.
Each passing year, CAC has been able to further improve its industrial linkages and in maintaining cordial relationship with the partners. I feel proud to have a motivated and energetic team who continues to strive for performing best of their abilities. Moreover, I would like to thank all our industrial partners for extending their continuous support and confidence in CAC NUST.