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With the world emerging as a global village, the need for efficient industrial systems and diverse product innovations has been on the rise. To curb the industrial technical gap and to boost national economy, NUST offers service of consultancy by leveraging R&D expertise for our honourable industry partners.

CAC is the focal department of Innovation and Commercialization (I&C) Directorate for such consultancies and projects, it outreaches to the industry on annual basis to secure applied R&D projects for NUST faculty. As a result, multiple industrial projects are secured from diverse set of industries including Trade Associations, Chamber of Commerce, Ministries, Civil and Defence sector organisations.

For the past few years the consultancies have resulted in fruitful turnkey projects as an outcome of effective collaboration among industry and NUST. The projects are taken on board throughout the year, after the acceptance of proposal a legal agreement is signed between the NUST Holdings Pvt. Ltd –  a legally incorporated holding company of NUST –  and Industry to proceed further with the commercial set up.

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