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The Corporate Advisory Council (CAC) at NUST is emerging as a pacemaker of the micro-economy of Pakistan. It has managed to forge alliances with large Industrial Giants including Multinational Companies and SMEs. It continuously receives support from and provides assistance to its Industry Partners. Under the framework of Government establishments, CAC works on the principle of “Triple-helix combination of Academia, Industry and Government”, engaging in advisory, consultation and R&D collaboration.
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"Thanks to Corporate Advisory Council (CAC), we were able to (a) link the industry with research and development platforms in the academia, and (b) link the academia with opportunities in the industry to gain practical experience."
Mr. Amer Zafar Durrani
CEO, Reenergia-Enhar
"Having been a part of the Corporate Advisory Council since 2013, I strongly believe that CAC has immensely contributed in harnessing the true potential in our youth towards the transformation of Pakistan. Based on the triple helix model we have been catalyzing interactions between academia (NUST), industry and Government, to foster economic and social development, therefore enabling Pakistan to move towards becoming a knowledge economy and a knowledge society."
Mr. Zibber Mohiuddin
CEO, Panasian Group
"Working with CAC for last many years is very effective and useful experience for development of Industry – Academia linkage. In this connection, CAC (Corporate Advisory Council) and Research, Innovation & Commercialization (RIC), NUST Islamabad giving the industrial set-ups full support to share the industrial expertise to future graduates. I, myself have participated in CAC activities through invitation from NUST. I have been honored as guest speaker for Industry Innovation Talk (IIT) many times, aiming to discharge my expertise to the young graduates. Also participated time to time on various occasions, i.e, seeking nominations from Industry (Curriculum Review Sessions at NUST), introducing Minors along with Majors programs in NUST constituent schools (for UG students), Opening Ceremony of FICS’18 Stage 2 Event, Center for International Peace & Stability (CIPS), NUST Main Campus etc."
Dr. Ajaz Bashir Janjua
Dy. General Manager / Head (R&D) at HMC.
"Industry-academia collaboration is a strategic necessity in today’s challenging and turbulent economy. NUST Corporate Advisory Council's (CAC) is one of the shining examples of fruitful collaboration in Pakistan between universities, start-ups and industry partners. As an Information Technology and Telecom industry expert at CAC, I have the pleasure of witnessing first hand some of the young and brightest talents presenting their ideas and projects very much applicable to real-world scenarios. I hope that in coming years the industry will step ahead in taking these initiatives from the CAC Platform a step further in pursuit of timely adoption to solve the pressing needs of the society in Pakistan and abroad. I feel the CAC has definitely helped in bridging the gap between the Academia and Industry and is a showcase for all such initiatives."
Mr. Khalid Khan
Chairman, Central Asia Cellular Forum
"CAC has done a great job in providing strategic advice, recommendations and assistance to strengthen industry-academia linkages, promoting industrial outreach that will contribute to the achievements of its objectives."
Mr. M. Adil Khattak
CEO, Attock Refinery (pvt.) Limited
"The simple idea of CAC which started in 2010, i.e. industry-academia collaboration for mutual benefits, has grown well and is paying its dividends. CAC is very active in inspiring students and graduates by doing FICS (Finding Innovative & Creative Solutions for Society), OPEN Forum, Conferences as well as Open Houses to showcase their skills of their graduating students and to provide networking platform for students and industry leaders. The CAC team is very active, keeps in touch and continues to raise the bar with focused activities and events. Great initiatives which every university should emulate."
Mr. Saad Amanullah Khan
Chairman, Pakistan Innovation Foundation
"Technology & Innovation is backbone of economies of most of developed part of the world. Talent with support of vibrant eco-system is the Key to major success stories we live & breath today. Be it internet, high tech computing devices, digital services etc. If we dig deeper, we discover that universities are a nursery of such innovations. FICS ( Finding Innovative & Creative Solutions for Society ) envisioned by NUST Management is right step in this direction. Providing a platform to creative minds at academia to use technology to solve the hot pressing issues faced by industry and society . One of the key uniqueness of this program is being much more than a start-up competition. A multi-stage selection process leading to a working prototype and engagement of industry at each stage is the right ingredient which prepares an idea for a major break-through in research & innovation. I am associated with FICS as Judge and Industry Sponsor since very start ( 2014 ) and have seen this program becoming more effective every year . Many alumni of this program later won other global recognitions and some of them went way ahead and founded their own ventures. Given the continued support & patronship of NUST management, we can hope for a global level success story stemming from FICS in near future."
Mr. Muazzam Arslan Bhatti
CEO, Alfoze Technologies Pvt Ltd
"I have worked closely with the department of CAC-NUST as an 'Industry Judge' at Finding Innovative and Creative Solutions for Society (FICS) and in their curriculum mapping sessions on behalf of Manchester BIOGEL. CAC provided me an excellent platform to meet the enthusiastic and young researchers from Pakistan who believe in good science and want to excel in the arena of science and technology."
Dr. Ayeesha Mujeeb
Scientific Advisor at Manchester BIOGEL